Sled Dog Training


I have owned and competitively raced eight sled dogs, including two pointers (a German Short-haired and German wire haired.)  I have won and placed in sled  dog races both on gravel and in the snow. Dogs use a sled to pull on snow, and are attached by a harness and tug lines to the gang-line, which is attached to the sled. 

If you are running dogs on gravel you will have a rig or a scooter.  The dogs are attached the same way they are to a sled. 

I have also coached people who have won races. My own sled dogs (Siberian Huskies) have saved my life on more than one occasion. They stopped me going the wrong way at night on Old Man Range near Wanaka. They've pulled me up a bank when they knew a vehicle was coming up behind me, and they also helped me to find my way to the correct destination when I was blinded by a whiteout (a thick fog that makes it hard to see an arms length in front of you). 

I can provide help training lead dogs to do directional commands and other types of training to enhance race performance. I can help with good team control while maintaining high speed and accuracy. Most of my experience has been running one to four dogs, but I have run six and been behind ten dogs pulling rigs and 4-wheel bikes. 

For further details and to discuss your situation, please call me on 027 859 7973

Mobile microchipping available

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$150 per lesson for 2 hours ~